Not All Natural Sleep Aids are Created Equal

What's in your natural sleep aid? It may be far less--or more--than promised.
A recent study of 25 different brands of melatonin gummies, marketed as a sleep solution, found something shocking: 22 of the 25 products were inaccurately labeled. One product contained no melatonin at all. Another contained less than three-quarters of the amount of melatonin advertised on the label. And yet another brand contained 347% percent of what was claimed on the label.
We believe when you're seeking a sleep aid, you shouldn't have to worry about whether the product your taking is what it claims to be.
That's why at nfuse, we clearly call out on our labels exactly how much magnesium and melatonin are in our products, and we stand by it: We guarantee what we claim on our labels is exactly what you'll find in our products.
The magnesium is U.S.P. grade, meaning it's been verified for purity and potency, and we're the only transdermal magnesium lotion that takes this extra step.
We invite you to try our new magnesium- and melatonin-enriched topical Sleep Collection products, and experience restorative, relaxing sleep with confidence.