7 Years of Self-Care with nfuse

July of 2022 marks 7 years since we launched nfuse, and we simply wouldn't be here without you! Thank you for giving nfuse a try, and for spreading the word about our brand as you reap the benefits of magnesium and the effectiveness of our self-care line.
It all started with a conversation about magnesium at a family dinner, where sisters Ann and Emily, intrigued by benefits of "the magical mineral," wondered: Is there a way to incorporate magnesium and its myriad of health benefits into daily self-care?
After all, more than half of Americans' diets are deficient in this essential mineral that almost every part of the body depends on: It reduces stress, relaxes muscles, protects the heart, improves sleep...you name it, magnesium plays a part.
After a few years of inspiration and a whole lot of experimentation, the first nfuse magnesium roll on was created and nfuse was launched! Read more about how nfuse began here.
Thank you for supporting our women-owned brand by buying and sharing nfuse! Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our e-newsletter, where we'll be sharing special moments in nfuse history--and some surprise savings.